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when miracle meets passion

moccatune project began back in 2018 when sato and tyoc had some plans to combine japanese-styled music with manga in one video. they realized that their concept couldn’t fit with their band’s concept, so they decided to carry the plans somewhere else.


after some time, sato and tyoc managed to gather some members to carry on the project but then got stuck after the music ready because none of them could draw as well as composing the music, so they began to look for more members. late 2018, sacche with two other illustrators joined the moccatune project and have been working together since then.


The concept then got re-arranged into group of illustrators and musicians, they realized that they could do so much more than just making music as a band. thus, the moccatune project was born. moccatune’s members felt like the local japanese pop culture in indonesia needs to grow. It needs something new other than just doing covers and re-using someone else’s works.


what it needs right now is a breath of originality


we are moccatune


and we‘re going to breath some fresh air into local pop culture industries



aleci (Project Officer)

Project Officer


sato (Music Producer)

Founder & Main Conceptor


153 (Head Production/Designer)

Main Conceptor #2 & the one who direct the illustrator


tyoc (Talent Manager/Media)

Notebook Keeper, The one who scouts and managed all talents


manta (Video Editor)

Edited Everything


sacche (Head Illustrator)

The leader of the illustrators. yes of course she drew too


Nifuji_ (Illustrator)

Main Illustrators from mocca, meme girl










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